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UPSC vs IIT JEE: Which Is Truly the World’s Toughest Exam, Anand Mahindra’s Viral Post Sparks Debate

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UPSC vs IIT JEE: Anand Mahindra, the chairman of the Mahindra Group, has stirred considerable interest online by sharing insights on the challenging nature of top entrance exams in India. Inspired by the Bollywood movie “12th Fail,” directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Mahindra felt compelled to explore further the intricacies of these exams and the preparation methods embraced by aspirants.

Mr. Mahindra reposted a tweet stating, “After seeing #12thFail, I checked around and spoke to a number of young people about the relative difficulty of our entrance exams. One of them was a graduate of IIT who is involved in a business startup but who has also taken the UPSC exam. He stated EMPHATICALLY that UPSC is much tougher than the IIT JEE. I wonder if this is a commonly held perception, in which case this ranking needs to change!”. This tweet contained a ranking of the world’s toughest exams, with UPSC ranking third after IIT JEE.

The World Ranking, whose tweet was retweeted by Mahindra, frequently publishes and compares different rankings of nations, businesses, and individuals. According to them, the top ten most difficult exams in the world are as follows:

1. China – Gaokao Exam
2. India – IIT JEE Exam
3. India – UPSC Exam
4. England – Mensa
5. US/Canada – GRE
6. US/Canada – CFA
7. US – CCIE
8. India – GATE
10. US – California Bar Exam

The UPSC CSE (Union Public Service Commission Civil Service Exam) is one of India’s most prestigious and competitive exams, with approximately 8-9 lakh candidates applying for approximately 1000-1200 vacancies. With a success ratio of 0.5% to 1%, it is considered one of the toughest competitive exams in India, requiring thorough preparation, a well-defined strategy, and a comprehensive understanding of various subjects to tackle the vast syllabus. The selection process for UPSC is divided into three stages: preliminary, mains, and interview.

UPSC CSE Preliminary Examination (Prelims):
The prelims consist of two objective-type papers, General Studies Paper I (GS Paper I) and General Studies Paper II (GS Paper II or CSAT). GS Paper I covers history, geography, polity, economics, science, and current affairs, while GS Paper II (CSAT) includes reading comprehension, logical reasoning, and quantitative aptitude. CSAT is qualifying in nature, with candidates needing to score only 33% of the marks.

UPSC CSE Mains Examination (Mains):
Candidates who clear the preliminary examination are eligible to appear for the mains examination. The mains exam is a written examination comprising nine papers, with seven considered for preparing the final list. These papers include essay writing, general studies, and optional subjects. The essay paper evaluates analytical and writing skills, while the general studies papers assess understanding of various subjects such as history, geography, economics, polity, current affairs, science, and technology.

Personality Test (Interview):
The final stage of the UPSC CSE is the interview, which evaluates a candidate’s personality, communication skills, confidence, and overall suitability for a career in civil services.

UPSC vs IIT JEE: Which Is Truly the World’s Toughest Exam, Anand Mahindra’s Viral Post Sparks Debate

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